The City is the world, a world filled with NOISE––a virtual ocean, a digital jungle. Set in and around a dystopian fictionalized City in the year 2035, unemployment, class warfare, and hyper-commerce provide the social backdrop in which a job-hungry data-miner, David Phoenix, attempts to survive. A CITY TO MAKE ME follows the psychological journey of a man exposed to deep politics and dark power as he becomes a Transhuman agent for the revolution, fighting against an all-powerful corporation on the verge of total information control.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Always relevant, the great Marshall McLuhan...Read his 1969 interview with PLAYBOY magazine today... Everything he observed about television's effect upon society can be said about the influence of the internet upon our very own day and age...My ears were agasp.  My mind's eye, pried open.

LINK: http://www.nextnature.net/?p=1025

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Concept Artist added to the team...

John Bisoski and I met last month at Chicago Filmmaker's. He was actually crazy enough to move to New Zealand, without a job, hoping to get in at WETA - Peter Jackson's SFX and Production Studio. Well, he's back, and John has agreed to be our official concept artist. He'll be visualizing KEY SCENES throughout the script as well as DESIGN IDEAS for characters. We welcome him. Thank you, John! Did I mention that he also speaks Mandarin Chinese?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Into the wilds...again.

I've gotten some great feedback over the last few days about the latest rewrite. At this point in the process, structure reigns king. The structure of this piece is soon to follow a traditional three-act structure. The trick? Keeping the magic in, never letting it drift towards 'predictable.' I guess you can say, this is going to be a 'spec script' by the end of the month...I'm nervous. Why? The death of an ego.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Save the Cat?

Started reading Save the Cat by Snyder and was immediately hooked. Now, how to meld my own egotistic needs for COMPLETE originality and letting 'the rubber hit the road' with polishing the script into something that will have a life outside of my own head...Needless to say, the book has a conceptual buffet of things to think about. "A City..." will be the better for it. Thanks, Joe.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thank you everyone!

Thank you everyone for a fantastic night! Introductions were made and quickly led to a measurable 'pulse' of positive discussion, interest in "A City...," insightful questions and talents laid bare. Agnieszka Furtak flowed like water into conversations with the room, including our resident 'Futurist,' Pei Ng. Everyone is excited to see what she comes with in the months ahead to start fleshing out 'The City' landscape. Andrew Benz has a bullshit detector as big as the room is large, and (personally) it was just great to be around his humor and his enthusiasm for life and creativity. As it turns out Joe Orlandino is STILL interested in the project, as a producer, enough at least to read the script! Act I is on its way to YOUR e-mail inbox this week. Zulema turns out to be a fashion creator, a thrift-store re-mixer, a woman with an eye, among other talents. Amazing! Thank you for coming, Zulema! I think she's going to be our costumer, if she'll accept the role! Chris Rubano and Andrew Benz hit it off. Chris seems primed to get started 'making stuff' and this film wouldn't be happening without his prop expertise. Everyone is excited about the idea of making 'miniatures' for this project. Carl Wiedemann showed up, steadi-cam operator and all around original! If there's anyone who's been there since the beginning of this project, heard all about the roller-coaster hell of writing and pre-production, and STILL shows up to these 'gatherings,' well...It's CARL! Fred Kores and his beautiful 'wife to be???' dropped in and carried the discussion right through two plates of guacamole and a table full of tacos (El Taconaza). I wouldn't have missed last night for the world. Thank you everybody!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Meeting of the Minds...

Monday, December7th, 7:30pm.  A meeting of the minds.

Ryan Miller (Writer/Director), Andrew Benz (DP), Chris Rubano (Props/Practical FX), Michael Campobasso (3D, SFX Director), Pei Ng (Futurist Architecture), Zulema Covarrubias (artist, Zhou Brothers) and perhaps the beautiful Agnieszka Furtak (Set Photographer/Actress) will all congregate in one room for the very first time!  Exciting!  Others, TBA.  Potentially?  A hungry producer who loves the project and wants to 'get back into the game.' The meeting space?  Skylark Pub.  NE corner of Halsted and Cermak.  A soft migration towards Andrew Benz' new production and studio space will occur around 9pm.  More to come...